Lost somewhere, in the rush to get all of my dahlias planted and the rainy weather that we have been experiencing lately, was the fact that my tomatoes desperately needed to have the second level put onto their cages. For the last few weeks, every time I watered them, I would think
I need to put on the second level tomorrow. Finally I took the time tonight. It was of coarse, my harder than it needed to be. I had a good 18" of growth to wrestle with and get centered in the second tower before I lowered onto the first. I have been using theses
tomato cages from Gardener's Supply Company now for over five years. I think that they are the best! They are made of a sturdy metal, square frame that collapses flat for storage. You can use one level for shorter determinate tomatoes or set on the second level for taller indeterminate varieties. They are super strong and I have never had a full grown tomato plant, weighed down by fruit, foliage & rain, tip over a cage in the Fall. That is saying something.
Anyway, here are the first three plants after getting straightened up and centered into the second level of their cage.
Here is group number two with only the first level of cage on.. There are four plants here but it is pretty difficult to make them out individually. And afterwards...............
much better!
Most of the plants are blooming now, though I am worried about our nighttime temperatures dipping below 50 degrees. Like myself, the tomatoes would appreciate a little more sun & a little less rain these days.
I do have two varieties that have begun to set fruit. This is the first tomato that I have found on the "Peron Sprayless OG" plant. It isn't much bigger than a marble right now.
The "Azoychka" tomato has set a lot of fruit. Some of them are getting pretty big but none have begun to turn yellow yet. I should have my first ripe tomato of the year from this plant.
While I was working in the vegetable garden Tom-Cat joined me. He is normally fenced out of this area so he is pleased to sneak in when I am not looking and have the gate open. Parvati, on the other hand, said it was much to cold out to be a garden helper tonight.