Saturday, September 24, 2011

The DCDS Show

Today was the annual dahlia show held by the Douglas County Dahlia Society in Roseburg. My exciting news - my 1-bloom "Valley Porcupine" was voted best 1-bloom Novelty Fully Double in the Show! I made the Head Table for the first time showing in the Open Division. Roseburg is a smaller show but I was still very pleased. But first I should back up a little.......

My day started very early. The alarm went off at 5:15 and I was out the door and on the road by 6:15. As I was on my way to pick up my car-pool partner I glanced at the Eastern sky- WOW. The sun was just beginning to rise over the Cascades. This almost made up for having to get up at such an awful hour on a weekend day! I arrived at the Douglas County Fairgrounds right around 8:00 AM, so I had a leisurely hour to get my entries on the tables before the judging started at 9:00.

By 2:00 PM all of the judging was complete and the Head Table entries were getting all organized. I had a chance to act as an alternative Head Table judge, jumping in when other judges had to step-out because we were judging one of their blooms. I had to step-out when judging my "Valley Porcupine" entry and when we were judging Best 1-bloom Pom since my "Mi Wong" had won Best 1-bloom Pom Open. The Amateur Pom correctly beat it for Best Pom in Show. It wasn't too painful since a good friend won!

DCDS had a beautiful table with all of the floater entries. This is a nice was to enter a bloom that maybe snapped on the way to the show.

A close-up of a Fourth of July themed arrangement.

Above, my entry of "Colwood Hope" and below my triple entry of "Weston Spanish Dancer".


Robin said...

Congrats! Your flowers are absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I found you looking for info on Weston Spanish Dancer, your photo shows the length of the stems making the flowers look more elegant! Thank you for these lovely pictures!