Monday, March 6, 2017

Spinach - One Week Later

4 rows of "Gazelle" spinach

Yesterday, after the morning snowfall melted, I went out to the Kitchen Garden to check on my spinach bed. It has been such a week of mixed weather; a few mild days but also some cold days with freezing nights, and some snow! Thankfully spinach is tough and my little plants are doing well. I was especially happy to see that many more plants of "Abundant Bloomsdale" spinach had germinated during the past week. As of Sunday, my current count is 43 plants of "Gazelle" and 24 of "Abundant Bloomsdale". That is good enough germination that I will have plenty of plants to transplant if necessary and I will even have a bit of thinning to do. The spinach bed is off to a great start!

2 rows of newly emerging "Abundant Bloomsdale" spinach

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