After a very busy Saturday, it was nice to have all of Sunday to work down in the Big Garden. And as an added bonus, the weather was perfect; sunny and 77 degrees. I started the day by planting 16 of the potted dahlias. Then I returned in the early afternoon to work some more on the annual flower rows. I began by setting in the 22 "Xanthos" cosmos plants I had started from seed.
They were the perfect size to settle in. The roots were just beginning to fill in the whole cell area. I got them planted and watered in well; they shouldn't miss a beat. Then I planted another row with the 23 "Rubenza" cosmos plants I had begun. Once that was finished I planted one row of "Mixed Colors" bachelor buttons. I got my seed from Seed Savers Exchange and it look me about 1 1/2 packets to seed the whole row. Then I seeded two close rows of "Persian Carpet" zinnias from Renee's Garden Seed. It took me a full 3 packets of that seed to sow both of those rows. I was really pleased to get all of the young cosmos set in and all of the other seeds planted. It is suppose to rain Tuesday and I wanted everything planted so that they could take advantage of Mother Nature's watering. Freshly planted seed, watered in by a good rainfall, always germinates the best I have found.
I also stopped in a Down to Earth today and ended up with this at check-out; Quinoa "Oro De Valle". While I could certainly grown this to harvest the seed to eat, I am really most interested in its flower heads. They are suppose to grow 4' tall and in late Summer bloom a lovely orange-sherbet color. I also learned from the tag in the 6-pack that you can harvest the leaves for use like spinach. They are packed with calcium and iron. So another fun, new plant to try this year.
I finished my gardening day by returning after dinner to plant another 16 dahlias. We now have 62 planted, or 27.3%. Now it really feels like the dahlia garden is underway.
"Willo Borealis" a lavender Pom
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