Saturday, June 11, 2016

Dahlia Planting - Day #2

It was an all-around busy day today with family gatherings and a track meet. But I did mange to make it down to the garden twice and actually got quite bit done in my two sessions. The first time I went to the Big Garden I brought down two of my flats. These two held young plants of "Titus" cannellini bean and also both "Xanthos" and "Rubenza" cosmos that I had started earlier from seed.

We also brought down another truck load of dahlia plants. I noticed the first rabbit damage up at the house yesterday and there is no reason to let that happen with our great rabbit fence down here. So we shuttled this load down and will cobble together a fence to protect the rest still back up at the house.

After Dad headed back up to the house I planted the "Titus" beans. The seed packet said they should be 6" apart but I only had 20 plants and lots of room. So mine are more like 8" apart.

All of the beans look great Their young root systems were just starting to fill up the cell they were living in so it was the perfect time to transplant them. After I got them all planted I watered them in well.

I then was able to return to the garden after dinner. We got another 16 dahlia planted tonight for a total of 30 in the ground. I now have 30/227 in or 13.2 % planted.

"Irish Glow" a red pom

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