Friday, September 6, 2013

The Dahlia Garden in Early September

Monday was the final day of the holiday weekend and I finally had some time to work in the garden and take some pictures.

While the garden is not at peak bloom, I am certainly seeing more and more color each week.

As you can see,  many of the plants are quite tall this year. I got horribly behind on my garden "to-do" list this Summer and at least half of the dahlias weren't stopped in a timely manner. Hence, lots of tall plants this year. At least this doesn't affect bloom quality - you just might have to look up to see them!

I can't decide if I should keep "Jac's Julia" for another year or not. It doesn't produce many blooms, but the ones it does certainly are pretty.

"Clearview Debby" is a new-to-me variety this year and I just love it. I will definitely be saving my tubers this year and planting a lot more of this variety next year. It's a BB sized formal decorative in a light blend of lavender and white.

"Lolita" just glows in the garden, especially on an overcast day. 

"Camano Susan" a BB sized semi-cactus in orange.

"Bracken Sarah" is such a soft beauty. A BB sized formal decorative in a light blend of yellow and orange.

I have wanted to grow "Hollyhill Tigress" ever since I first saw it at a show. It's quite the striking variegated waterlily.

"Creekside Volcano" lives up to its name. Hot colors!

This "Crazy 4 Jessie" bloom is only about half open but you can see how pretty it is going to be. A BB sized incurved cactus in a dark blend of dark red & yellow.

A young "Embrace" bud.

Two plants of "Lakeview Glow"

"Sorbet" a B sized semi-cactus form in a dark blend of white & purple.

"David Lam" a dark red collarette.

"Purple Sparkler" a purple and white collarette.

"Odyssey" a miniature ball in a light blend of lavender and white.

"Fidalgo Julie" a stellar in a dark blend of orange & red.

"Cornel", a red ball. I have grown this variety for years.

This is a new variety for me this year. "AC Rooster" is a red stellar.

"Higgo Wonder" a BB sized laciniated in a dark blend of purple and white.

Martina" a white & purple dark blend miniature formal decorative.

Joal Louisa" a white waterlily.

"Tioga Autumn" a B sized laciniated dahlia in a light blend of pink and yellow.

"Embrace" a bronze BB sized semi cactus.

"Chimicum Les C" a dark red miniature ball.

There are now nice size buds on the "Bright Bandolier" sunflowers. It won't be too long before I finally have some sunflower blooms in the garden.

I am excited to have my first blooms opening on the "Persian Carpet" zinnias. 

There were quite a few bees working the first open female flower on the "Mini Jack" pumpkins. It looks like I won't have to worry about hand pollination with this group.

Now that the rabbits have finally quite munching on the morning glory plants, I have some blooms to enjoy! Above, a "Scarlet O'hara" and below a "Grandpa Ott" flower.


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