Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Corvallis Farmer's Market

Saturday morning we got up and drove to Corvallis to enjoy a girl's day-away and The Corvallis Farmer's Market. Corvallis' Farmer's Market is located on first street, right next to the Willamette River. The street is closed for the morning and and the Market takes over. It makes for such a nice venue with lots of space for everything.

Like most Farmer's Markets, this one was full of musicians adding to the ambiance.

Many of the booths had samples to try. This particular one had an impressive variety of different watermelons to taste and to purchase.

I loved this display! Color, color, color! 

And speaking of color, look at this great mound of peppers. Sweet or Hot, there was something for everyone.

 I was drawn to these pimento peppers.What a great color and shape.

There were wonderful flowers bouquets for sale. Of course I was drawn to the ones full of dahlias.

With Autumn right around the corner, Pears are in season.

Baskets full of deep, purple plums.

It wouldn't be late summer without squash and pumpkins. How cool are these "Long Island Cheese"?! Such a great buff orange color.

Trays of ripe peaches.

The Market had a few stalls selling nursery stock. 

We had to stop at this booth and get my Dad is own mini Blackberry pie. After we finished strolling through the whole Market, we went down and stopped in at The New Morning Bakery. Being an OSU graduate, I was pleased to see they sold not only Bear Claws but also Beaver Paws!

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