Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy First Day of Spring!

Well, today is the first full day of Spring. Judging by the weather outside, one really can't tell any difference from Winter! It's cold, the sky is grey and it's raining hard. The last two weeks have been a steady parade of rain, snow showers, hail and colder then average temperatures. It is now starting to get a little bit frustrating. I had hoped to get my cold weather crops planted in the kitchen garden by now but there just hasn't been any break in the weather pattern. Even the daffodils are slowing down. It's now the 20th of March and we only have 5 varieties in full bloom - "Tete-a-tete", "Segovia", "February Gold", "Early Sensation" and "Jet Fire". Tonight I was running back and forth from the house to the shop through the rain and spied this leopard slug climbing up the stem wall. A perfect picture for this first day of Spring!


  1. Look at those beautiful daffodils--just gorgeous! And look at that gigantic slug--what a monster.

  2. I would just love to have some of the rain you are having! We haven't had any precipitation in forever!

    Happy Spring!

  3. And this morning we have...SNOW!


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