Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Daffodil Drive

Today we took a drive out west of Junction city, to the Long Tom Grange. Each year the grange puts on a "daffodil drive" fundraiser. The grange is situated on Ferguson Road and over the years the grange ladies have planted thousands of daffodils alongside the road. After enjoying our leisurely drive, we stopped at the grange to enjoy all of the festivities there. The day was grey and very cold, but thankfully the rain stayed away while we were there.

There was a lovely selection of potted bulbs for sale.

And there were Llamas! They have the most fabulous, expressive faces. The brown one, pictured below, was named cinnamon.

In the crafts area, we found this talented gentleman who was hand forging metal daffodils and tulips. They were really cool looking and, as he said, "would always be in bloom".

There was also an area showcasing classic cars. As you can see, it was very popular with the gentlemen.

This team of draft horses was pulling a wagon carrying folks to and from the car parking area. They were a very well mannered pair and even had their tails decorated for the occasion.

Inside the grange the walls were decorated with quilts and daffodil art produced by the local elementary school kids.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like just the right event to be at at this time of year! And I love the spruced-up horses' tails with the ribbons--very sprightly!


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