Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Vegetable Garden Inventory 2011

I realized that I haven't taken the time to put in writing my complete garden inventories. Now that I am finally done with all of my planting, it's time! Today I will list everything growing in my vegetable garden up at the house and next Tuesday I will inventory everything growing down in the Big Garden.

  • (2) "Marina di Chioggia" Winter Squash - Seed Savers Exchange
  • (1) "Delicata" Winter Squash -
Purchased Plants
  • (16) "Red Bull" Red Onions - Hayhurst
  • (18) "Prince" Yellow Storage Onion - Hayhurst
  • (1) "Black Krim" Tomato - Log House Plants
  • (1) "Azoychka" Tomato - Mountain View Farm
  • (1) "Peron Sparyless OG" Tomato - Hayhurst
  • (1) "Black Prince" Tomato -
  • (1) "Black Plum" Tomato -
  • (1) "Santa Clara Canner" Tomato -
  • (1) "Super Sweet 100" Tomato -
  • (1) "Georgia Jet" Sweet Potato - Mountain View Farm
  • (1)"Beauregard" Sweet Potato - Mountain View Farm
  • (1) " Lilac" Sweet Pepper - Mountain View Farm
  • (1) "Gypsy" Sweet Pepper - Hayhurst
  • (1) "Delicata" Winter Squash -
  • (2) "Heavenly Blue" Morning Glory - Log House Plants
  • (4) "Mixed Colors" Morning Glory - Log House Plants

As of today, August 2nd, all of the tomato plants are setting fruit. None of the tomatoes are anywhere near to ripening, but it is still exciting to see all of the little green orbs at last. The "Black Plum" plant has also hit the top of the second tier of its cage. The other six plants aren't far behind.

Here is a truss of tiny "Black Plum" tomatoes.

The sweet potatoes look like they are doing well..but who knows what is going on down in the soil! The foliage is dark green and healthy on both plants, thought the "Georgia Jet" seems to be a little more vigorous.

The onions continue to thrive. Here are the "Red Bull".

And here are the "Prince". Rain or shine, the onions have grown well all year.

My four plants of "Mixed Color" morning glory have completely covered the tower. It has taken them a while to start blooming but I am finally now seeing 6-10 blooms every morning.

The "Gypsy" pepper has set two fruit though the one on the left doesn't look too good. It also has quite a few bloom still on the plant so hopefully I will have more peppers set in the next few weeks.

Here is a female blossom on the "Marina di Chioggia" winter squash. It opened this morning along with two male blooms. I didn't want to take any chances to before work I took one of the male blooms and pollinated this female bloom. Then tonight, in case the bees hadn't been at work on the second male bloom, I cut it and pollinated the female again. In a few days I should know if I was successful or not.

My two "Delicata" winter squash are just starting to fall over and crawl. I honestly don't think that there is enough time for the vines to grow, bloom, set fruit and mature now that it is August. But I am willing to watch and keep my fingers crossed. It is one of my all-time favorite varieties.

All in all I am pleased with the progress of this garden. The full sun that it receives each day makes such a difference in the plants grown here. Even with a wet and cold Spring, they seem to have mostly caught up.


  1. Beautiful garden--your onions look so lovely--like jewels.

  2. Your garden is so neat & tidy! I love your onions-they look picture-perfect!

  3. I love to see other's gardens! Yours is lovely! We have been so dry that it is good to see "green".

  4. Your garden is so nice! I had to pull up all my squash earlier in the summer because it all had mold and it was spreading to other plants. I want to plant potatoes and onions next time.


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