Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The First Tilling of the Year!

Today we hit a milestone in the garden...the first tilling of the year! I think June 15th is a record for the latest that we have ever had to wait to do the first tilling. But tonight after work we went down and gave it a go. As usual, there were varying "conditions" to be found. Both ends of the garden had spots that were still horribly wet, while part of the middle had dried enough that a bit of dust rose up behind the tractor. Now at least all of the weeds have been turned under and a new level of drying can begin. The 10 day forecast looks promising, with just a few chances of showers ahead and some very warm days predicted for early next week.

The air was filled with the unique smell of damp earth being turned over.

The finished garden. You can see the damp area in the grass were the tractor left tracks. The garden is quite wet directly below that area. Come on sunny weather!

When I got home I was surprised with a gift of a new metal chicken for my garden. For now he is in the vegetable bed being a good rooster!

I also was given the two "Heavenly Blue" morning glory plants that I needed for the leaf trellis in the vegetable bed. I got them planted tonight and watered in well. They are very healthy plants and should grab onto the pole in no time at all.

While I worked in the vegetable bed, Parvati found the house vent were the dryer heat was escaping, just outside of the laundry room. She cleverly curled up on the vent and took a cap nap. When I picked her up to come inside for the night, her stomach was as warm as if she had been sleeping on an electric blanket. Leave it to a cat to find the best place to stay warm on a cool Spring evening.

1 comment:

  1. The soil in your garden looks great! I just love the smell of dirt.

    Leave it to the kit-kats to find the best places to sleep!


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