Monday, June 13, 2011

The Dahlias are Growing

I planted the first of the dahilas in these pots back on May 19th, so in six days some of them will have been growing for a month now. As you can see, they are all really doing well.

As of tonight, 134 of them are up, so I am at about 70% sprouted.

I have so many new varieties that I am trying this year. I keep reading all of the names on the tags and get more and more excited. There is so much potential in these little four inch plants! Now if it would just stop raining, so that we could till the garden and get these guys into the ground where they belong. Someday!


  1. Those dahlias are looking great--I hope you get to plant them soon! Here's hoping you post some pictures when they are in bloom--I'd love to see it!

  2. Those look great! I am going to attempt to seed heirloom tomatoes this month, to put in the ground in August. First time, I usually buy starts but I am going to give it a whirl and see how it goes.


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