Sunday, February 6, 2011

Winter Sunshine

Well, they didn't quite make it in January, but the "Early Sensation" daffodils are now in full bloom. We have had another week of mild temperatures in the 50's. I read in the paper this week that the Long Tom Grange is moving up their annual Daffodil Drive Festival from the 3rd week of March to the 2nd week of March because the plants are so far ahead this year.

One of the many practical reasons for keeping a garden journal or having a blog is to have a concrete record of "what really happened" in previous years. I am always so sure that I will remember everything form year to year. But, as I look at last February's blog post, I can now see that these same daffodils were blooming by the 7th and we were having a spell of warm & mild weather. Hmmm..doesn't that all sound familiar!


  1. Oh, you are so lucky to have your daffodils blooming already!! We just have a lot of snow outside.

  2. I love daffodils. It helps remind me that spring is just around the corner!!

  3. I am expecting my daffodils to show any day now. It has been really warm out. They look so lovely and give us hope that spring is almost here.

  4. We have a little while to wait yet for daffodils - have to be content with snowdrops and crocus


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