Saturday, January 29, 2011

Another Sunny Saturday

Well, I am beginning to sound a bit like a broken record but I have to say it...It was another, lovely, sunny day. Ever since last Saturday we have been blessed with mostly sunny skies and mild temperatures. Thursday we even saw a high of 62 degrees. Today wasn't quite as warm, but it was still incredibly pleasant to be outside. I have a long "to-do" list of outside chores and it was just the day to try and tackle one.

But before I got too industrious, I felt that a nice walk around the property was in order. On January 2nd,  I posted that the "Early Sensation " daffodils were coming up. Well, with all of this unseasonably warm weather, they are really growing. Most of them are now showing some yellow color in the tips, and a few, as pictured below, are awfully close to blooming. Will we have a blooming daffodil in January ? They have two more days to make it!

Down in the lower meadow by the road, we planted two groups of "February Gold" Narcissus. Over the ensuing years, the rodents have moved the bulbs and they are now a bit scattered and unorderly. At this point, they haven't naturalized as promised or multiplied. But they also haven't completely disappeared either. We seem to always get 7-8 brave little plants poking through the oak leaf layer. Quite often we can't even find them until they fully open and we have the yellow trumpets to guide our eye. However, today I was able to locate many of them. They are about 3-4 inches tall and you can just make out the bud as it pushes up between the leaves. The one pictured below has managed not to get moved from its original planting site next to the marker.

After my walk it was time to get down to business! The flowerbed next to the mudroom had sprouted quite a bit of grass and other assorted weeds over the last 5 months. It was looking pretty sad and the spring bulbs planted in it are just starting to come on. I certainly want the bed to look nice when the bulbs are blooming. We also have quite a few choice perennials in this bed, many purchased just last year. With all of the grass it was quite difficult to gauge whether they had survived December's cold temperatures or if we had lost a few of them. Below, the "Before" picture! Can you find the clump of Narcissus?

After 2+ hours, I had about 2/3 of the flowerbed weeded. My back and my stamina were both giving out, so I called it a day. It was so nice though, to have the chance - in January no less - to be digging in the dirt with the sun on my face. I even got warm enough that I had to take off my fleece jacket. Now the Narcissus and the grape hyacinth to the right have some elbow room. Within the next month I should be posting pictures of both of them in full bloom - weed free!


  1. I am very jealous of your warm weather!! We have had a little snow, cold weather, more snow, more cold get the picture.

    You certainly got a lot of work done in your flower bed. Is it going to be a perennial bed? They are just wonderful once you get them established!

  2. I can't wait for our daffodils to flower - it's such an uplifting sight!

  3. Good work, Lexa! I am looking out the window myself and seeing the sun and some beds that need attention. I am thinking of the roses and the apples that will need to be tended shortly but not having the umph to get up and do it.

    Your daffodils are lovely. I am envious, but I do have some hellebores that are budding, as is the daphne, heavenly!


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