Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Time marches on through pictures

If you're like me, you tend to look at your garden once quite a few times a day. And, unless you are harvesting lots of flowers or produce, it can be easy to get a bit down and feel like "nothing is happening" out there. This is where pictures save the day! I try to take pictures of my gardens every two weeks or so. By doing this, I can easily scroll through the old pictures and see the amazing growth that is happening daily/weekly/monthly. As an example, here is a march through the calendar of the vegetable bed, so far this year.

Freshly laid out and only the onions have been planted on 04-25-10.

Now its 06-23-10 . The Winter Squash have just been set out and everything is now planted.

Three weeks later and boy, have the tomatoes taken off ! Picture from 07-13-10.

Exactly 2 weeks later on 07-27-10. Amazing squash growth. You can tell the weather finally warmed up!

And finally, two weeks later on 08-09-10. While I am still not harvesting anything yet, it is getting closer.


  1. Great idea! I should have been doing that too. Your garden looks great (even if nothing is quite ready yet...). Thanks for sharing!

  2. Waiting is one of the hardest parts of gardening! I'm intrigued by your fencing - what is it? It looks bunny-proof and chicken-proof and hard for deer to jump and coons to climb. I want some.

  3. I love looking at garden pictures over time. You did a fabulous job of showing off the growing progress of your vegetables! I'm also impressed by your tall fencing. How do you get in and out of your garden?

  4. Thanks so much! Your dad is a genius! I can't wait to show my husband that fence!

  5. The progress photographs are a wonderful reminder!

    I'm just loving how a blank canvas, sorry plot is covered in green, and good green NOT weeds! Thank goodness and the sunflowers are like a ray of sunshine!

  6. I love this progression! Your garden looks beautiful--anytime now you'll be digging into ripe tomatoes! I picked my first bush beans of the season last night.

  7. It looks abundant and well-cared for- well done! I'm sure you'll be getting things soon...
    Thanks for sharing at the Tuesday Garden Party!

  8. I love your progression photos--such an affirmation.


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