Monday, August 9, 2010

Another overcast day..

Another grey, overcast day today. Unlike most of the other days the last two weeks, the clouds never burned off today. It was cool out and I wore a jacket down to the big garden. On the bright side, overcast days are great for taking pictures! Many more dahlia varieties were blooming for the first time.

"Ryecroft Zoe", a variety I have been admiring for a couple of years. I am so excited to finally have it in my garden this year.

"Kathy's Choice". While this is the first open bloom, there are already 10+ other buds ready to burst. It is such an early, prolific bloomer.

"Clearview David". I love how each white petal is tipped in lavender. So pretty in bouquets.

The poms continue to bloom. Here is "Irish Miss" a dark blend.

"L'Ancresse", a simple white ball form. Again, another really good variety for bouquets.

Last, but not least, "Willo Borealis". This might be my favorite pom. I love its violet plum color.


  1. I love the Ryecroft Zoe. Beautiful!

  2. Wow! I am loving watching your dahlias bloom... learning a lot too. Thank you!

  3. Those dahlias look beautiful. I need to grow some. Are they hard to grow and do bunnies eat them? The bunnies eat all of my flowers.


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