Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday Garden Update

Its hard to believe that this is the last Tuesday of the month. As we approach the end of July, the gardens are really starting to mature. I still haven't been able to harvest anything from them yet, but there is a lot of potential out there!

Here are some tiny fruits of "Black Plum". All of the tomatoes in the vegetable garden have set fruit now, with the except of "Momotaro". Since this is the first year that I have grown that variety, I don't know if it is always late to set or if it is just being ornery.

A row of "Mars" red onions. They bulbs are really starting to fill out now.

The first two set fruit on the Gypsy" pepper. There are a lot more blossoms on the top of the plant.

An underneath view of the "Yellow Patty Pan" summer squash.  It is amazing to see how many squash this one plant is going to produce. I think I am about one week away from harvesting the first ones.

And the Winter Squash are growing fast too. Here is an immature "Butternut" fruit on one of the vines.

Down in the big garden, the "Canoe Creek Colossal" Cantaloupe is starting to open its very first blooms.

The "Bingo" Pole Beans have just started latching onto the support tower in the last two days. This tower of beans seems to be much happier, and doing much better, then the exact same variety up in the vegetable bed.

I took this picture just this morning of morning glory "Milky Way".

Last, but not least, here a picture of a bud of dahlia "Nicole C". Of all my 199 plants, this will be my first bloom of the year. Let the show begin!


  1. Your garden looks so lush and beautiful! I grew 'Gypsy' peppers last year, and they were very prolific. And that dahlia--the first of many to come!

  2. I love the sunflowers I see blooming in the background of one of the pictures. I have a couple but they haven't bloomed yet. Can't wait till they do as I love (not like) love sunflowers!!
    a Latte with Ott, A

  3. Your garden is perfect! You'll be enjoying some wonderful meals very soon!

  4. It seems like a lot of waiting here too... I don't remember feeling like this last year.

    I bet you can guess which cookbook I used for my onions... Cook's Garden. I was making the Sweet Onion Tart when I realized I didn't have ricotta so I just decided to make the onions and they were delish. I have some other recipes to try that I found online... I will post what I find...

    Garden fresh cantaloupe sounds scrumptious! no blooms here:(

  5. oh you're just on the brink of a big harvest, i can tell. and that milky way flower is so pretty!

  6. Your garden looks fabulous! Love the patty pans! Mine haven't set fruit yet....still waiting.

  7. You have got a nice garden out there. I think a connection with plants means a connection with the nature itself.

  8. ps. thanks for the black spot tip re: weekly compost tea spray... I'm not sure I can make that commitment:) Maybe blackspot isn't so bad after all!? ha!

  9. I love your garden and all of your plants. They are really doing well especially the onions. I like the dahlia flower and I can’t wait to see it blooms.


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