Today I got around to cleaning the garden gate. Once a year, after everything in the garden finally gets planted, I have the time to give the front gate a good scrubbing with a biodegradable soap and water. Over the coarse of a year it gets coated with dust, pollen, and dried grass from mowing. I never notice quit how dirty it gets until I clean it. Then its "mystical blue" paint from Home Depot just glows! And on the inside, my treasured glass dragonfly got a good cleaning too.
Love the glass dragonfly, so pretty, and that blue is so 'sky blue'. I was sent a dragon fly by a friend who lives overseas. I have been meaning to hang it in the garden, but as the driveawy is shared space and the lads next door keep kicking hte fence, I'm afraid to leave outside. So for the time being its hanging in my hallway. Onedayit will go outside and like yours will shine in the sunshine.