Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy July

Somehow, it was time to flip the calendar today - July! How did that happen! The gardens certainly aren't looking as far along as they did at this point last year, but there is still lots of Summertime ahead. I did notice this morning that my little "Yellow Patty Pan" Summer Squash in the vegetable bed has been quietly growing and is showing lots of promise.

I spent a little over 2 hours this morning down in the big garden. I got another 12 dahlias planted, so my total is now 75 planted, 125 to go! Pictured above are two plants of "Creekside Volcano" a dazzling laciniated flame blend of yellow and red. I can't wait!

These are the 125 dahlias patiently waiting their turn to get into the ground. The nice thing about starting them in pots is that I am not loosing any growing time. They get off to a great start in the pot and when I finally do get them planted they don't miss a beat. It's a really good system and it stops all damage from slugs and snails too. By the time they get planted they are too tall to eat. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to rabbits!

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