Last night it started sprinkling around 7 PM and it showered lightly off and on all night. Today we have had one very brief shower go through but mostly it has just been a day of dark grey skies. It is hard to believe that the forecasters are calling for 90 degrees by the 7th...we shall see. I certainly am more than ready for Summer to come and to finally stay! That's the keyword.
One silver lining to grey Oregon days is the way that grey skies act as such a perfect background for bright colors. One example is my Morning Glory that was blooming today. While normally very pretty, today the deep purple just glowed. My pink roses also never look more intense then they do on an overcast day. The Morning Glory is "Feringa" and it is a new variety for me this year. What's really cool about it is that it produces two completely different colored blooms. Half of the blooms are a deep purple with a pink star and throat like the bloom pictured above. The other half of the blooms are a pink color. Look closely at the three finished blooms in the picture, you can see that they were all the other color. It is kind of a fun effect having one plant producing two completely different blooms as it travels up the support.
Around 10 Am this morning I went down to the big garden and planted 14 more dahlias. That's 89 in and 111 left to go. Almost at the halfway point. After planting I noticed that the "Polka Dot Mix " Bachelor Buttons that I planted June 27th are up today! That only took 6 days- not bad for such cool weather. And I noticed that the ground in the "Hutterite Soup " Bean row is starting to bulge. I think one warm day and those two rows will be sprouted too!
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