Thursday, June 24, 2010

A sign of things to come

While I have been busy planting, and digging and fussing, Mother Nature has quietly gone on about her work. On my walk home from the big garden last night, I suddenly realized that the wild blackberries are starting to bloom. Like everything, they are a bit behind last year. I took this picture at a patch that has full sun. Most of the patches have only the leader bloom open at this point. The plants seem to really be enjoying the extra rain and are producing some huge canes. Of coarse this year's berries will come off of last year's canes, but the still damp ground bodes well for this year's berry crop. Dust off those cobbler recipes!

Blog post up date: Well, we finally did it today - it reached 80 degrees outside ! I just heard it on the evening news. It appears to be our second latest 80 degree day ever. The record for the latest 80 degree day was July 1, 1982. Thankfully we didn't beat that. But it was our first 80 degree day since September 23, 2009 - that's 272 days that we have been waiting. Welcome back Summer!


  1. Lexa, Thanks for stopping by my blog. I, too, have enjoyed reading the garden blogs of people all over the country.

    Did you grow all those wonderful pumpkins that are in your profile picture? I have never grown pumpkins. My kids wanted me to plant some of the miniature pumpkins but I could never find any of the seeds around here. We have a LONG growing season so if I find some soon maybe I can still grow them.

    I planted a couple of blackberry bushes last fall and they are growing a couple of big canes this year. I hope that means we will have blackberries next year. I don't know much about growing them but I love to eat them!!

  2. Hey - I have a couple of recipes!


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