Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Big Garden..a Big Day!

Today I finally hit a milestone- The first dahlias were actually planted in the ground! But I should backup the story a bit. Because of the record rains in Oregon the last two weeks of May and the first 2 weeks of June, I haven't been able to till and plant the big garden. Finally, last week it warmed up a bit and then sun came out. On the 20th we got back into the garden for another first tilling and then hit it again the 22nd and 23rd.

The night of Thursday the 24th I started raking the garden flat and plotting out my rows and stakes. Last night Dad joined me in the garden and we knocked out setting the last of the stakes in the ground. This morning I got up and we went to Lane Forest Products and got 2 yards of Natures Best Planting Mix. We drove it down to the garden and dumped it at one end. Then I went back to the house and grabbed my name tags for each dahlia variety. I am not completely done making them for this year but I did get everything that was done attached to the stakes, per my map. And then....... (drum roll please...)....

I planted a dahlia! It only took until June 26th. I do think that is a record for the latest first planting. First in the ground was "Dagmar" a "B" sized orange incurved cactus. Pictured above is the first plant in and another of the same variety waiting to be next. I managed to get 7 planted today before I had to call it a day. While I still have 191 more dahlias left to plant, it feels so good to be able to say that I have finally started!

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Thanks for taking the time to leave a message. Your kind words make my day!