Monday, September 18, 2017

Harvesting Before the Rains Return

Some much needed rain is in the forecast for the next few days. It will be our first substantial rainfall since the first two weeks of June. While the rain is desperately needed to help put out the fires raging all over the West, it does cause some concern in my garden. First in mind were my dry bush beans. So Saturday night I went down with a bucket and harvested all of the dried pods. I am guessing about 1/4 of the beans have yet to dry, but I am really happy to have 3/4 of the crop already harvested and stores for the Winter before the first rainfall. It makes the job so much easier.
  • "Titus" Cannellini Dry Bush Bean; 1 lbs. .8 oz

I am learning that the "Pride of Wisconsin" melon go from ripe to over-ripe very quickly. I need to do a better job next year really looking at the skin color and giving them a few gentle squeeze now and then. I am afraid I have lost 2-3 as they are now overly mature and splitting open. But I was still able to harvest 4 good melon this week. I have also been saving all of the seed, with the hopes of growing my plants from my own seed next year. This week's harvest:

  • "Pride of Wisconsin" ; (4) 7 lbs. 10.8 oz

I was pleased to be able to harvest the first of my "Black Krim" tomatoes this week. "Black Krim" always takes a long while to set and mature here in Oregon. And more often than not, almost all of the fruit ripens within about 20 days, so you end up with a lot of it at once. 
  • "Black Krim" ; (17) 5 lbs. 13.8 oz

The rest of the tomatoes are also rolling right along.  I am really enjoying the beauty of the "Blush" cherry tomatoes. I love the conical shape and the bold yellow color, splashed with red, is really pretty. One of my co-workers has declared this one her favorite tomato this year.
  • "Blush" ; (25) 11.5 oz
  • "Galina" ; (58) 9.6 oz.
  • "Chef's Choice Orange" ; (1) 2.6 oz
  • "Ukrainian Purple" ; (38) 5 lbs. 10.1 oz
  • "Wapsipinicon Peach"; (25) 1 lbs. 7.6 oz


  1. The Black Krim is lovely! It looks like they were nice sized too. I always have a hard time telling when melons are ripe, and I lost a few this year as well.

  2. That Black Krim tomato looks perfect. It's a late setter here on the Calif. central coast too so I gave up on it. And melons have always been a challenge too and this year it wasn't the weather it was the rodents eating all the female blossoms. Blush sure is a pretty tomato.

  3. I always let my dry beans finish drying indoors--safer that way. The Black Krim, Blush, and the melon all look wonderful.

  4. We'd love to be able to grow melons - we planted some tibia year and I think we just have one small fruit.

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