Monday, August 14, 2017

The First Tomato, Potato and Blackberry Harvest

There is nothing that makes you see that incredible late Summer growth in your garden more than leaving for 9 days on vacation! After a wonderful week in Michigan I returned home to find there was a lot of change in the Kitchen Garden. We had a heat wave while I was gone. Two days hit 102 and three more were 95 or warmer. My poor Nephew earned his keep watering my garden! But all of that heat meant that I was greeted by a garden with things ready to harvest!

This weekend I dug the first of my potatoes. They were planted back on May 7th in four grow bags and have done really well. I have had problems storing red potatoes in past years, so this year my game plan is to only dig what I am gong to use in the next few days. I think this will work much better for me, as the potatoes seem to do fine being "stored" in the grow bags, in the soil, until I need them. My first harvest was ;

  • " Dark Red Norland" ; 3 lbs. 10.2 oz.

I was also excited to find color in the tomato plants when I returned .Not all of them have ripe fruit yet, but I was able to harvest from 4 different varieties yesterday. I was also pleased to only find blossom end rot on fruit in one variety so far. It plagued almost all of my tomato plants last year, so I can happily deal with one bad plant. Yesterday's harvest;

  • "Ukrainian Purple" ; (10) 1 lbs. 5.1 oz
  • ""Galina" ; (7) 1.4 oz
  • "Wapsipinicon Peach" ; (6) 9.2 oz
  • "Blush" ; (2) 1.1 oz

Thanks to Mother Nature, I was also able to harvest the first wild blackberries of the year. I knew from driving up and down the road that there were ripe berries to be had. But I was very surprised when I came hope with a completely full bucket. The final tally for this first picking was 4 lbs. 4.1 oz. A great start to the season!


  1. That was a nice welcome-home wasn't it? The tomatoes look great. I'm not familiar with any of those varieties so please let us know how you like them.

  2. Potatoes, tomatoes and blackberries were amongst our harvest last week too.

  3. Yum! Those blueberries look scrumptious! Mine are unfortunately recovering from a couple of years of neglect so I won't be getting any until next year (hopefully!).

  4. Those are some good looking potatoes! I need to try them in a grow bag next year myself. The wild blackberries sound yummy too.

  5. It really is amazing what a difference 9 days can make in the summer garden. Of late it has really just meant more zucchini and zucchini and zucchini...

  6. How lovely to come home to such bounty! We are also harvesting blackberries and tomatoes now, although have already dug our potatoes to avoid further rodent damage. I wish we could tore them in the ground like that!

  7. Oh berries, how yummy. One of the things I miss about living in east TX was the dewberries all over the yard and big bushes of black berries in clearings in the woods. Nice looking tomatoes and potatoes; not familiar with those tomato varities.


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