Monday, June 12, 2017

Turnip Harvest

Yesterday I started to clean up the middle raised bed in the Kitchen Garden. Like all of my raised beds located there, this one has "gotten away" from me this Spring. Just a few weeks ago, both varieties of lettuce and the turnips planted in it were close to being mature. Now, just a few weeks later, they are past maturity and nearing bolting. I was most shocked at my "Tokyo Market" turnips. I swear the last time I looked at them they were still marble sized. Now most of them are 4" or more in diameter! I did manage to salvage about 8 of them that are still fairly small and tender. They weighted in at 13.1 oz. I washed them thoroughly and we will enjoy them diced in our salads. I will have to pull up the remaining monster turnips and toss them in the compost pile. Maybe the deer or rabbits will be brave enough to give them a try.


  1. Good post, thank you for sharing the information with us as such information can become very handy at times for the readers. Keep posting

  2. I have always wanted to have my own little kitchen garden too. That would be so great. But thanks for posting about this as i really enjoyed this post. Good one.


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