Friday, January 27, 2017

The First Seed Packets of the Year

Each year, I try to order from a few different seed companies. I love receiving all of the different catalogs in the mail each Winter, but I certainly don't need enough new seed each year to justify placing an order with every company from which I receive a catalog. This year I was excited to buy a few seeds from a "new-to-me" company out of New York called The Hudson Valley Seed Company. I was especially taken with their selection of seeds that come in an Art Pack. After many happy evenings spent reading through their catalog, I finally chose to order the following three seeds;

"Abundant Bloomsdale" Spinach - 55 days, Certified Organic. "An improved savoy-leaf spinach developed by the Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) in partnership with organic farmers. OSA continues the long tradition of on-farm seed stewardship by working with farmers that breed new varieties and improve older ones. Bloomsdale boasts cold tolerance, high yields, and deeply savoyed, attractive leaves."

"Toyko Market" Turnip - 35 days, Certified Organic. "Fast Growing, sweet, crunchy all-white roots will have you second guessing about what you thought a turnip could be! A great variety that can be sown all season long. Direct sow outdoors, and cover with a row cover if flea beetles are an issue in your garden. Harvest when roots are two inches in diameter. Use fresh in salads or for dipping, or stir fry with their sweet and tender tops."

"Gift" Zinnia - 80 days. Certified Organic. "In its native Mexico, the original zinnia was considered an unattractive weed called "mal de ojos". In the mid-1700s, the German Ambassador to Mexico sent seeds to Johann Gottfried Zinn, a professor of botany for whom the plants - and part of the eye - became named. The cut flowers of this variety are spectacular on their own; a mix of single and double medium blooms. Plants are also medium in height, reaching up to 4 inches by the end of the season."

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