Sunday, January 8, 2017

Iras, Day #2

We awoke to rainfall this morning but unfortunately it was more freezing rain. The Winter Storm Warning had changed to a Freezing Rain Warning and was extended until 4 PM today. That time frame was just about right. I bundled up around 4 PM and went for a walk around the property. The temperature had finally gotten above freezing and I could heard dripping water everywhere. Once in a while a tree would dramatically dump part of its load of ice and snow with a crash.

Thankfully we didn't get as much ice accumulation as we did in Mid-December but it still coated everything. The last of the crab apples looked especially pretty encapsulated in ice.

The red branches of a young maple tree. 

The Douglas Fir trees were all coated in a mix of snow and ice.

I ran into two does during my hike. I feel for them. It must be difficult to find much to eat when the world is all covered in snow and ice.

Above, a stand of hazelnut brush and below the wreath on our front gate. The snow on the ground  was definitely getting slushier during my walk. Here's hoping the temperature continues to rise as predicted and this all disappears tomorrow.

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