Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's Tying Time

Dahlia "Hollyhill Funhouse"

Right after I finished planting all of the dahlias, I thought to myself  "I am all caught up in the garden right now. There's nothing much to do". Well, as always, that didn't last long. In just a week or two suddenly there is much to do! On the top of my "to-do" list is starting to top and tie-up the dahlias. All at once it seems that I have 30-40 plants that are shooting past the 2' mark and need to be securely tied to the nearest stake. I also notice 3-4 dahlias a day that are forming the first bud at the growing tip. I am removing that growing tip to encourage branching and to lower the plants overall height. And there is also much weeding that needs to be done and the lawn needs mowed once again. So much for being "all caught up"!

1 comment:

  1. Hey everyone, If you enjoy building sheds like me, here's a great link for you to download shed plans:



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