"Newaukum Honey" BB ID Orange/Pink
Today started out innocently enough. I got up early and was outside by 8:00 AM. Dad came home with a truckload of Nature's Best and we were off to the Big Garden. We began by off-loading all of the Nature's Best. After we finished up with that project, Dad reattached the rabbit fencing while I labeled a few more rows of dahlias. Then we got to work planting, getting another 16 in the ground. We now have 126/227 planted or 55.5%. Since we had the empty truck down in the garden, we decided it would be a good idea to bring up all of the empty pots. Right as we started loading up the pots I felt the first raindrop hit my head. Then another and another. Within a minute it was raining and within 5 minutes it was pouring! Talk about good timing! It rained hard for the next hour, which included a period of hail and one loud clap of thunder. Then it was all over and we had blue, sunny skies for the rest of the day. After dinner we decided to venture down to the garden to see if it was dry enough to plant. We ended up getting 8 more holes dug but then abandon planting for the night. The ground was way to sticky and the wheelbarrow was getting clogged up with clay. Oh well. We still got a lot accomplished today.
So very glad that we took the time to put up the rabbit fence this year!
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