Monday, June 6, 2016

Greens Harvest - Week #9

Welcome to the 9th and final harvest report for my Spring Greens. Yesterday I harvested and then pulled out my 3rd and final raised bed. The lettuce and spinach were beginning to bolt and the leaves were showing some heavy bug damage. The three beds will now transition into winter squash beds but it is my hope that this Fall I will reseed them with salad greens for a long Fall harvest. For the final Spring harvest I was able to harvest two varieties:
  • "Heirloom Cutting Mix" lettuce - 12.0 oz.
  • "Charger" spinach -  7.2 oz.
  • Total week #9 harvest - 17.2 oz.

I am really happy with my total Spring harvest. My February seeding was an experiment that paid off and allowed me easily an extra month of harvest. That extra harvest time was needed since I lost a fair amount of expected harvesting due to early bolting. The Arugula and Mustard were especially sensitive to the April heat and shut down almost immediately as we hit 80 degree weather. My Spring 2016 Greens total harvest:
  • "Heirloom Cutting Mix" lettuce - 29.1 oz
  • ""Charger" spinach - 18.2 oz.
  • "Sweet Greens and Reds" lettuce -12.3 oz.
  • "Catalina" spinach - 8.3 oz.
  • "Wasabi" arugula - .2 oz.
  • "Renee's Baby Leaf Blend" lettuce - 2.9 oz.
  • "Mild Mustard Mix" mustard - 2.7 oz.
  • Total Spring Harvest - 4 lbs. 9.7 oz.


  1. It always seems like the lettuces and spring greens go from perfect to bolting in an instant. I've got some lettuce in the garden that it seems like I barely just planted it and now it's on the verge of going. It looks like you got yours while the picking was still good!

  2. The subdued reds of the lettuce make them look so appetizing. Good job on all the greens.

  3. Nice job on the greens. My salad bed is just at the harvest stage so I hope I have a few more weeks before the bolting starts.

  4. Congrats on a successful experiment! Like you, I tried out an early spring greens bed (although mine was started MUCH later than yours and only lasted a couple of weeks), and it was well worth it. It pays to try new things as sometimes we hit on a true winner.

  5. I always hate to see the spring greens go but I am anxious to harvest the summer veggies. It looks like your greens really did produce for you!

  6. I haven't had any arugula though I planted quite a bit ... it all bolted before it was even big enough to harvest. So I hear you, ugh. But it looks like you have enough to last a little while.

  7. Let the winter squash planting commence. Your lettuce and spinach beds did stupendous this year.

    I need to get our winter squash planted this week as well, they'll be sharing the tomato beds.


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