Saturday, June 4, 2016

First 90 Degree Day of the Year

It was a productive, but very HOT gardening day today. The official high was 95 degrees at 5:00 PM. I started the day by heading down to the garden to finish setting up the stakes. I completed the last 4 rows, for a total of 17 rows laid out. Then I headed back up to  the house. I took my master dahlia list and started comparing the "planted" list to the actual tubers that had come up. I ended up knocking the dirt out of quite a few pots, to see what was happening beneath the soil. After that task was completed, I went back inside and worked on my master map. I ended up with a considerably "smaller" dahlia garden than I started with. At this point I think I will have around 234 dahlias in the garden, compared with the 274 dahlias that I potted up.While there are many factors that I can't control, like vole damage and heat waves, with a little work I can stop the bunny damage. So tonight Dad and I spent two very steamy hours putting up the rabbit fence. It isn't a super hard task, but it's just a pain to step over and work around for the next two months. But hopefully by early August the dahlias will be tall enough that I can remove the rabbit fence. Now all I need to do is adjust my rows,  and attached the dahlia name tags to the poles. Then I can start planting!

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