It's been 8 days since I planted two of my flats of seeds. During that time we have enjoyed some warm, sunny weather and we have had some rainy, cold days. Thankfully my seed starting system has worked well in all the varied conditions and I am pleased to report really good germination for most of the seeds.
A tray of "Xanthos" Cosmos
The flat I seeded with strictly cosmos looks great. On one side 22/24 cells of "Xanthos" cosmos are up and on the other side 17/24 cells of "Rubenza" cosmos have germinated.
I also started seed of "Country Fair Blend" zinnia. Of the 25 cells I seeded, 18 are up. Next to the zinnia, I planted melon and cucumber seed. I have 9/10 "Magnificenza" melon up and 2/10 "Lemon" cucumbers have germinated.
A "Crown Pumpkin" young plant
In my third tray I have a mix of winter squash, melons, and cucumbers that I planted in straight Nature's Best soil instead of a planting mix. At this point I am having a mixed result with this method. So far only 1/4 "Crown Pumpkin" squash have appeared and I want two of them
A "Magnificenza" melon seedling
The "Waltham Butternut" squash have fared a little better with 2/4 germinated. I only planted 1 "Delicata" squash and at this time there isn't any sign of it. I have 2/8 of the "Lemon" cucumbers up here, so I should have enough of these plants between my two sowings of them. And the big winner is the "Magnificenza" melon. I have another 7/8 germinated in this flat, so I have a grand total of 16/18 plants sprouted. I was worried that this might be a difficult seed to germinate. It looked quite small so I seeded a lot of it. As it turns out this is very viable seed and apparently not very hard to start! I definitely have all of the melon plants that I have room for so I will be looking for some good homes for my extra seedlings.
Below, a "Waltham Butternut" winter squash seedling
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