Saturday, May 21, 2016

Dahlia Potting up - A Finish!

I spent a good part of the morning and early afternoon working on my dahlias. My goal for the day was to finish getting all of my tubers "planted" in pots. I have been working off and on with this project as the weather and time allowed for the past 8 days. But I was determined to finish up today and I did! I now have 6 dahlia starts and 265 dahlia tubers planted in pots and beginning to grow. As much as I would like it, I know that all of these tubers won't grow. But I should still have somewhere in the 250 dahlia plant range this year. That's up quite a bit from the 205 I had in last year's garden. Let's hope my lower back and my enthusiasm don't give out before all of these dahlias get transplanted down into the Big Garden!

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