Sunday, March 27, 2016

Unwrapping the Dahlia Tubers

Four short months ago, I finished up the huge project of digging/dividing/washing/and storing my dahlia tubers for the year. And now, on Easter Sunday, it's time to begin the task of unwrapping my tubers and sorting them. It's a time consuming job, but also a little fun too. As I check each variety for tuber health and a live eye, I also need to look ahead to this year's garden. I must decided now how many plants of each variety I wish to grow this year, so I can donate the rest of my tubers to friends and my local dahlia society. Some tubers "wake up" earlier than others. The waterlily form is always on the the first to sprout each Spring and this year is no different. Pictured below, 2 healthy tubers of "Carmen Bunky" a dark pink waterlily. 

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