Friday, August 14, 2015

First Dahlia Blooms

"NTAC Shelly" Orchid Dark Pink/White

In spite of all the many obstacles facing the dahlia garden this year - late planting, excessive temperatures,  rabbits and voles to name just a few - the first dahlias are still giving it their best and opening a few descent blooms. Maybe, if the weather ever cools down and the rabbits quit their nightly raids, I will have even more blooms share.

"Kelsey Kristie" Single Dark Red

"Ms. Kennedy"  Miniature Ball Orange

Below, "Kelsey Sunshine" Collarette Yellow

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty! I can't bear to cut mine so I go to a U Pick Dahlia Farm and get 12 flowers for $4. I think I'm getting a great deal1


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