Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Mixed Morning Glories

This year, in the Kitchen Garden, my morning glories came back stronger than ever. I originally planted some purchased morning glory starts in the corner of the garden over 5 years ago. I can't remember the exact variety that I put there but I do know it was a mix of purple, pink and white. The white quickly disappeared over the first few years but the purple and light pink plants have set seed and come back faithfully.

But this year there is a new comer climbing on the tower- and it has a dark pink bloom. All I can think of is the purple and the light pink finally crossed last year. Maybe a hummingbird acted as my hybridizer and the new cross set seed. All I know for sure is the new hot pink is a great addition and the three colors look really nice together. I hope it makes a return appearance next year.


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