Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Watermelon Weigh-in #2

A week ago I wrote about my concern with my four "Early Moonbeam" watermelon plants. I decided at that time to weigh the set fruit each week, to verify that they were consistently gaining in size. A week ago I had three "larger" melon and one baby one that had just set. I weighted the three bigger melon; the largest was just 7.2 oz. Here's this week's results
  • Melon #1   11.8 oz.
  • Melon #2   9.5 oz
  • Melon #3   10.8 oz
  • Melon #4   3.1 oz
So, my melon are growing, just not as fast as I would hope ( or think that they should). One of them did grow 1/2 a pound last week, so that is a good sign. They just need to keep it up if they ever going to reach the projected size of 5-8 lbs. I will continue to water them daily and add a liquid fertilizer a few times a week to the water. The weather is suppose to be in the 80's next week after a brief cool spell the next few days. Come on melon!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, my one melon isn't gonna make it, I'm afraid. He's bigger than a pea now, but not quite a golf ball. Oh well, there's always next year.


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