Friday, August 22, 2014

The Dahlia Parade Marches On

New dahlias continue to bloom each day, including this "Alden Snowlodge". One of the benefits of gardening organically is seeing all the interesting and beneficial insects in the garden. 

I don't know that you could call this grasshopper beneficial, but since he wasn't eating the dahlias or the foliage he's a keeper in my book. He could be munching on another bug that might cause damage to my plants or blooms. I have seen this grasshopper, or one of his friends, off and on for the past two weeks. They are always resting in open blooms. I have also seen a fair number of ladybugs too.

I finally got to see my first "Hollyhill Tigress" bloom of year. It is such a neat variegated color. I  planted two tubers of it this year. Interestingly enough, the other plant reverted back to its original parent stock and is solid red. But I am ok with that because it is a lovely shade of velvet red. The two blooms would look terrific together in a bouquet.

"Pooh", a Bi-colored collarette in yellow and orange.

I can't forget my Poms. This little one is "Valda" a purple pom. The photo doesn't do it justice. The blooms a rich, deep purple and and just stunning this year. I am sure hoping that the my two plants will continue to pump out the perfect blooms for the next month. I would love to enter a triple of this one in a show.

"Lakeview Illusion" a B sized incurve cactus in purple. To my eye, the blooms is actually an amazing neon violet color.

My "Camano Cloud" blooms have been awesome so far this year. This is at least the fifth perfect bloom.

This is the first flush on my two "Pee Gee" plants. I do love laciniated dahlias and this is a good one.

"Camano Susan", a BB sized Semi-cactus in orange. This is a beautiful dahlia in Fall arrangements.

"Fidalgo Julie" a stellar form in red and yellow.

"Verrone's DF", a pink stellar. This is a new one in my garden this year. And below, another "Odyssey". Such a sweet lavender and white miniature ball. It's been blooming for a few weeks now.

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