Today was a big day down in the garden. Tonight, after work, we headed down to the garden. Since this was our 4th day in a row with the temperature at or over 90 degrees, we once again began by watering everything.
Then I dug holes and we planted the last row of dahlias. Yes, I said the last row of dahlias!
After planting the final 14 dahlias tonight, all of the rows are done. I have a total of 18 rows this year, planted with 105 varieties and 246 individual dahlia plants. Now, the first plants that I set in the ground are almost 3 feet tall. It's time to switch gears and begin tying, topping, and dis-budding. Pictured above, "Willo Borealis".
Our(Seattle) temps are creeping up each day! I hate it! Your dahlias are going to be amazing!