Saturday, July 26, 2014

Late July in the Dahlia Garden

As July slowly comes to an end, the dahlia garden continues to explode with growth.

 In the last week, there has been two or three new dahlias blooming for the first time each time I have visited this garden site. There is also much work to be done. Just a week ago, I was almost caught-up with my "to-do" list for this garden. After visiting it today, I realize I need to spend multiple nights down here after work. I still have five rows that need to be tied-up, at least half of the plants need dis-budding again, and the whole garden could use a good weeding. Sigh.

Here is a "new-to-me" dahlia. "NTAC Shelley" was just released this year. It's a lovely dark pink & white Orchid  with perfect form. I am really excited to watch this one and see how it performs the rest of the season.

And yet another new one to me this year. "Eclipse" arrived in one of my tuber orders as a free gift. It's a striking white and dark pink Single.

"Sean C", a purple and white Collarette.

One of my all time favorites. "Pam Howden", a waterlily in shades of orange, yellow and dark pink.

"Raeann's Peach", a Single form in orange and red.

"Kelsie Kristi" is a dark red Single. The pollinators love all of the open centered dahlias.

"Weston Spanish Dancer", a miniature size cactus form in flame colors.

Elsewhere in the garden my cut flowers rows are starting to bloom too. My "Red Metemorph" hedge marigolds are starting to live up to their name. I don't think mine will reach 3 feet in height this year but they will definitely grow together and form a dense hedge.

They too are beginning to bloom.

The first white bloom opened today in the knee-high "Sonata Mix" cosmos.

And I also have the first open bloom in the "Mixed Seashell" cosmos. They certainly are different than the tradition cosmos bloom.

The "Minnesota Midget" cantaloupe have settled in nicely after being transplanted. The new growth is a healthy dark green and they are covered in pretty little yellow blooms. But I still haven't seen a single set cantaloupe yet!

All in all I am pleased with how everything is doing down here. The rabbit damage seem to have mostly stopped and there are more blooms to enjoy each day. It won't be too long before the garden is no longer a sea of green but is instead a riot of color.


  1. Every time you post Dahlia photos I have a new favorite. That freebie is stunning, as well as the orangey full one. So what is de-budding?

  2. Just lovely. Having a spot dedicated to cut flowers is on my list of "wants". Hopefully, that will be sooner rather than later.


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