Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sweet Pea Update

Although the first open bloom in my sweet pea tower was scarlet red, I knew that I hadn't purchased this color. Even though I have stupidly misplaced the plant tags from the original 6-packs, I clearly remember picking out maroon as one of the two colors that I brought home. The other color I am a little more foggy on. I am sure it was complimentary to maroon but after that it is a wild guess. Well after tonight, the guessing is over. Six or seven more blooms have opened and they are all either maroon or a soft lilac. And I am glad to have my one red plant too, as a bonus pop of color. No matter the color, they all smell heavenly.

1 comment:

  1. I just love them. I didn't plant a single seed this year. BUT, I got lucky and have one blooming that must have reseeded from last year. It's pretty darn close to being red too, but like you said, with that kinda smell, who cares.


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