Monday, June 2, 2014

Early Moonbeam Watermelon

Tonight I planted my four "Early Moonbeam" watermelon. I started these plants from seed on May 11th. They are just starting to put out their first true leaf and their roots have pushed through the bottom of their peat pot cells. It was the perfect time to transplant them.

Yesterday I had dug two holes in the area that runs between our two sidewalks. It was tough digging, between the all of the gravel and rocks that were in the compacted dirt. Once I finally got two decent sized holes dug, I filled them with Nature's Best and made two nice sized mini-raised beds.

I set two plants in each bed and then covered the beds with a protective framework. I am hoping that they will receive enough sun in this location. I am also hopeful that being surrounded on three sides by concrete might add some additional warmth to the location and benefit the melons once the sun goes down. It will be fun to watch them and see how they do this year.

I had lots of help with my planting project tonight! 

Everywhere I turned there was a cat assisting.

Some more energetically than others.

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