After a rainy start to the day, the sun broke out by mid-afternoon. After I got home from a very long day at work and had dinner, I jumped right back into my dahlia potting project. I was able to work for a little more than an hour and got an additional 29 dahlias planted. So that gets me up to 126 total at this point.
I also checked on all of my seedlings as I put them back into the greenhouse for the night. After 8 days, I now have 14 of the 20 "Ring of Fire" sunflowers sprouted.
The squash aren't doing as well. At this point, the only squash to have germinated is one "Waltham Butternut". Surprisingly, the watermelon are doing much better. 3 of the 5 "Early Moonbeam" that I planted have germinated. Maybe it all comes down to seed freshness. All of my squash seed is at least 2 years old but the watermelon seed is from 2014. It is too late in the calendar to start any more squash from seed so I will have to resort to purchasing some plants if I don't get any more to germinate in the next few days.
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