Saturday, September 14, 2013

Best Of Show!

Today was the first day of the Lane County Dahlia Society's 50th Anniversary Show. I arrived at the show around 8:00 AM and set my entries out on the tables to be judged. The judging took up all of the morning and ended around 2:00 PM. When it was all done I was thrilled to find two of my entries on the Head Table.

My first winner was the Best 1-Bloom Miniature Ball in the Show, this entry of "Chimicum Davi". I entered 5 miniature balls in the show and they all got 1st place, so the odds were in my favor! Still, I was so pleased to win best-of-the-best.

Ironically, my other Head Table winner was the Best 3-Bloom Miniature Ball entry in the show. This entry is "Chimicum Les C" a dark red miniature ball. For the past month, all of my Chimicum Les C" blooms have has green centers and I was getting very frustrated. But miraculously,  the blooms that opened this week had perfect centers and I had many blooms from which to choose. Two years ago, I progressed to the highest level of dahlia showmanship and now must enter my blooms as a Advanced Amateur. This was the first time, since I moved to the top ranks, that I have made the Head Table. And I did it twice!


  1. They are gorgeous! Such amazing flowers. Congratulations!

  2. Beautiful flowers! Congratulations!


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