Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Tomatoes Roll On

The larger tomatoes are starting to slowly ripen. Tonight I picked my first three. Pictured above, a pretty clump of "Early Cascade". And below, a big old "Black Krim". It did have a crack in it, caused I think by our rain last Sunday. Even with the crack, the rest of the tomato was just fine. I also picked a bunch more cherry tomatoes off of the "Sweet Million" & the "Galina" plants.

When it was all picked an weighted, I harvested another 3 lbs. 10.86 oz of summer. Now they are cleaned and ready to share with everyone at work tomorrow.


  1. I planted black krim this year as well. It is a beautiful tomato.

  2. Yummy! I've only had a couple ripe tomatoes so far. They best be gettin' on it!


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