Today was the final day of the wonderful 4-day 4th of July long weekend. After sleeping in, I spent a very busy 3 hours down at the big garden. We first mowed all around the garden inside and out. Then I took a pair of clippers and attacked all of the stray blackberry vines that were poking through the fencing. After that we picked up all of the miscellaneous stuff that we had brought down to assist with the planting - the wheel barrow, 1-gallon pots, shovels, rakes etc.
The far end of the garden, the blue entrance gate in the distance.
Then we off-loaded my purple garden bench and put it into place. Now Summer has officially begun!
Then it was time to attack the secret path. It hadn't been mowed yet this year. It was a mess. I first had to fight my through a tangle of blackberry vines before I could even think about mowing. I would trim the blackberry for a few feet and then mow for a few feet. Slowly I worked my way down the path to the bridge.The deer are going to be really happy. And speaking of deer, look at the nice deer hoof print I found next to my newly planted dahlias up at the house. It seems that they were given a once-over sometime last night. Thankfully, the deer remembered that it didn't like dahlias and left them all alone.
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