Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Spring Blooming Perennials

Our strange, sunny, warm weather has got mother Nature ahead of schedule. Many of our perennial plants around the house are already starting to bloom. Yesterday the first bud opened on this pretty pink oriental poppy. Last year the first bloom opened on May 12th.

I also discovered the first sign of color on the "La Trinidad Pink" salvia. This is such a favorite of the hummingbirds and will bloom all Summer long.

The penstemon "Pina Colada" has also started blooming. It s such a pretty shade of blue/violet. Last, but not least, the two old azaleas in the mudroom bed are also beginning to bloom. Since we haven't had any rain for so long, their pure white blooms are looking fairly crisp and sharp. With more warm, sunny days in the forecast, I am sure that I will have lots more blooming plants to share very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that poppy is gorgeous!
    I can't believe you have penstemon and salvia bloomin' already.
    I can not grow azaleas to save my life. Must be a mental block. I'd love to have a white one, so pretty.


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