Friday, May 17, 2013

Grey Days and Potting Up Tubers

It was a mixed bag of weather today. We had a nice period with some sunshine in the early afternoon. But by the time I made it home after work, some dark clouds were rolling in. The rains let up after dinner and I decided to take advantage of the break in the weather and pot up some more dahlia tubers. 

I worked for about two hours and got another 40 tubers planted. So I am now up to an even 90 tubers planted in the one-gallon pots. I am still not 1/2 way complete with the project but I am getting close to that point. Hopefully this coming weekend I can get a lot more done.

The beautiful pink poppy in the west flowerbed is really starting to bloom now. I bet it has 10 open buds and has another 15+ that haven't yet opened. Even with the rains showers that we have received the last three days the plant is still looking really nice.

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