Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Seed Purchases

This last weekend I finally got serious and started to plan out the 2013 garden. Saturday we stopped by Down to Earth and I spent some time in the seed racks..a lot of time! Decisions, decisions! I ended up buying 4 packets that were on my list and 3 that weren't! So at least over 50% of my purchases were planned! I bought quite a few seed packets from Renee's Garden. Renee Shepherd has such a wonderful seed company. I have grown both her vegetable and flower seed for a number of years and have never been disappointed  While they do cost just a bit more that those offered by other commercial growers, her seeds are worth every extra penny. From Renee's Garden I bought:

"Bright Bandolier" Sunflower - "This exceptionally ornamental mixture of sunny yellow and warm burnished mahogany is a beautifully balanced palette of classic sunflower shades. The easy to grow plants bear magnificent big flowers that frame the summer garden with plenty to cut for perfectly contrasting bouquets of clear colors with chocolate centers." 5-7 feet

"Black Watchman" Hollyhocks - "This beautiful heirloom variety, grown by Thomas Jefferson at his Monticello estate, has been carefully re-selected for us by the best Dutch seedsmen for classic form and rich color. The big 3 to 4 inch hibiscus-like blossoms have satiny petals in a wonderful deep dark maroon that shades to black. Black Watchman's blooms unfurl slowly on sturdy tall 5 to 7 foot stalks and make a singular and striking garden display".

"Raspberry Sorbet" Cutting Zinnia - "These lovely flowers offer beautiful, deep raspberry-tinted double blossoms on branching long-stemmed plants that reach 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall. Raspberry Sorbet zinnias are both free flowering and long blooming and the abundant flower heads add glowing color to Summer beds and borders. The more you pick, the more flowers will develop. Butterflies seek these beauties out all Summer long."

"Mini Jack" Pumpkin - Easy to grow and very reliable, Mini Jack baby pumpkins mature much earlier than their bigger cousins, rewarding you with armfuls of 3 to 4 inch, deeply ribbed fruits. They make welcome gifts and centerpieces. These happy little beauties are also deliciously edible; bake them whole for individual servings". 80-85 days

I was also really happy to see that Renee's Garden has started to sell organic seed this year. In my never ending quest for the perfect red radish, I picked up:

"Red Planet" radish - " Quick to mature, round red radishes with crispy, mild tasting flesh. In and out of the garden in no time; grow several crops for salads and snacking".  Approx. 28 days

I also bought 2 packets of seeds from  Seed Saver's Exchange. I have been a member of this wonderful organization for over a decade and like to support them whenever I possibly can. I have grown Butternut squash for years and love it. I just needed to purchase some fresh seed. But I was also looking for a new-to-me Winter Squash to grow this year.

"Waltham Butternut" Winter Squash - "This Butternut, an AAS winner in 1970, was the result of years of patient refinement and selection by Bob Young of Waltham, Massachusetts. Prized for its straight necks, rich dry yellow-orange flesh, nutty flavor, and high yielding vines. Fruits are 3-6 pounds and exceptional keepers." 83-100 days.

"Guatemalan Blue Banana" Winter Squash - "Belongs to the banana group of squashes, noted for their fine table quality. This selection is dark "blue" with light stripes; golden-yellow flesh is thick and firm. Fruits range up to 20" in length and average 5 pounds. We like to keep this one in the refrigerator after the initial cutting and continue slicing off small rings that can be either baked or roasted." 90-95 days


  1. Hi Lexa: I have no idea why I got the weird error message earlier--it must have been in my email program is all I can figure, because I could get on your blog just fine directly from a search engine. I enjoyed your post--I love all the cool varieties you are trying out this year. Will love to know how they do for you and if you'd plant them again when we reach the end of this year's gardening season.

    Have a lovely week--hopefully it will dry out and warm up a bit!

  2. I have never heard of Mary's Seeds - love her seed packets! This year I bought from Baker's Creek and last year I bought from Seed Savers. I love all the organic options! Happy Gardening, Lexa.

  3. ACK! I meant Renee. Renee's Seed packets are beautiful. I saw something about Mary's Seeds somewhere else... my brain has gone to mush. ;-)


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