We had another lovely day today. The high once again reached 72 degrees. I don't remember such a nice Easter Sunday in a long, long time. With all of the sunshine and warmth, it was time to go on a walk. The trilliums down in the big garden are starting to bloom. With all of our sunny weather, the plants and blooms are in perfect condition.
Directly across the road from the big garden, our neighbors' old forsythia are also in full bloom now. Another happy, yellow display in Spring.
As I headed back to the house, this flash of purple caught my eye. Up on the bank by the "Impi Tombi" daffodils, the first two wild iris of the year are open. It will be weeks before the bulk of the iris plants are in full bloom.
Up near the house the Grand Hound's Tongue is blooming. Its pretty blue blooms are reminiscent of forget-me-nots.
On either side of the front steps, we have a Daphne plant. They are also in full bloom today. With the warm weather this weekend, the scent of Daphne is almost overpowering! You can literally taste it as you approach the front of the house.
In the west flowerbed, the Currant bush is blooming. I haven't yet spied a hummingbird here, but they do love these blooms as much as the people do.
This week's warm weather has also opened the "Kokopelli" jonquil. I really like this little narcissus. Each stem holds 2-3 small blooms that cascade down the stem. The stems area also nice and strong. Even when the rains come, the plants stay upright. They are also very fragrant. This is their second year and they have come back well. I have 37 stems with blooms this year from the original 6 bulbs that I planted.